Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Gentlest of Giants

So, it's been almost two weeks with my new baby, and I have to admit .... he's absolutely WONDERFUL!! I had no idea that such a LARGE dog could be so gentle. That is the thing that has fascinated me the most about who we now affectionately call "BarnaBEAST." It's like he has no awareness of his size .... at all. Meaning he lets our 15 lb. Jack Russell boss him around all day long, he desperately wants to be a lap dog (which is ironic since only 10% of him could actually fit in a lap), and he still tries to squeeze his massive body through our tiny doggy door. It is it's own form of entertainment to sit on the sofa and whistle for Barnabas to come in ... knowing that the only way he can get in is through the dog door. We just sit back and watch in amazement as he twists and contorts his way through the tiny opening. In all honesty, it totally reminds me of what labor and delivery look like!

Before we got Barnabas I wanted to go meet him and observe how he interacted with the kids. I had to be sure that he would be gentle with them and had absolutely no aggressive tendencies whatsoever. So we loaded up in the swagger wagon (minivan) and headed to Jonesboro to meet the breeder. Unfortunately, I had not checked the weather before we set off and had no idea that we were heading straight into a horrible thunder and lightning storm. Once we were over halfway there I realized how bad it was going to be, but by that time had already driven far enough that I didn't want to turn around.

So ... we ended up meeting the breeder and her teenage son at a covered gas station off the interstate to make our acquaintances with Barnabas. It was obviously not an ideal situation. Since the rain was still pouring and I didn't really want my redneck kids running around the gas station chasing a poor puppy, I suggested that we all pile back in the minivan to visit. That meant that all three of my children and me were situated in the back with the breeder and her son in the captains seats up front. Barnabas just climbed in and flopped down in the center aisle and panted happily. No worries, no hesitations, no concerns. My son climbed down and started trying to saddle up on him like a horse and then my youngest grabbed a hold of his long tail and began swinging it like a jump rope. Still nothing. I really don't think he even turned his head. He just wagged his tail, panted and tried to get in as many kisses as possible. I was shocked. Here was this massive beast confined within very close quarters with three children under the age of six and a thunder/lightning storm raging outside .... and he was so chill. Just happy to be with people and obviously the center of attention. If there was ever a trial under fire this was it ... and he aced it with flying colors.

Thinking about Barnabas' size and potential force I am reminded of how mighty and dangerous God can be. He can destroy entire cities with a single blow. He can send a disastrous plague with the utterance of one word. He can turn a half-hearted servant into a pillar of salt. Yet He describes Himself as gentle. He describes Himself as patient and kind (I Cor 13). His earthly ministry was seasoned with cradling little children in His arms and gently restoring the sick and needy. My God is capable of so much, yet chooses to wear the garments of humility as He pursues His relationship with me. I need a gentle God. One who doesn't wield an iron fist and strike people with lightning bolts when they fail to be perfect. I need a God who doesn't let his size and power prevent Him from sitting down in the dirt with me and entering into the daily grind. But I also want a God that is capable of mighty things. Who can dry up the Red Sea and resurrect Christ from the grave. And somehow, majestically and mysteriously, He is both. He is a Gentle Giant (if you'll allow me the freedom). He is exactly what I need when I need it ... and so much more.

I'm learning .... this is just a little hint of something I've been pondering this week. Thanks for wanting to read more .... hope you're not disappointed : )

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you are cruel and unusual. :) That poor pup just looks at you , begging you to put the camera down and pull him through and you send in the mini-licking-dog. That was hilarious! I think I'm finally caught up now on your blog. Loving it!
